Sunday, September 18, 2016

Language Translation Technologies - Research paper

One of the challenges of globalization is the need for fast and efficient communication across language barriers.  Translation has never been so in demand as it is in the present and with its rapid growth the usual form of translation has had to adapt to accommodate the requirement of a technological society.

Nearly all areas of human interaction can benefit from the use of such technologies. Areas like health, legal, military and business all have an interest in communicating more efficiently in between different languages.

Social Aspects
Society can be affected by the use of language translation technologies by changing the way that people from different countries interact with each other. 

Ethical Concerns
This is yet another area in which machines are doing the job of humans. The level of advances in the technology can signify the reinvention of natural language.

Legal Aspects
There is no current legislation regulating language translation technologies. Its users and uses will define how it should be regulated.

Security Concerns
Opening the door to technologies that can understand and translate language can affect the way that information is communicated and kept from getting into the wrong hands.